George Griggs family papers, 1900-1954.


George Griggs family papers, 1900-1954.

Materials contained in the George Griggs Collection have been assembled from items that have been at the New Mexico State University Library for some time and is not a comprehensive assemblage of Griggs' private papers. As a result, there is very little material in this collection that documents Griggs' activities, instead it is an interesting miscellany of items that were at one time in his possession. Among the items contained in the collection are bank statements, a few loose bills and advertisements, newspaper clipping on Billy the Kid and other topics of interest to Griggs. Some of the material is written in Spanish. Correspondence dates from 1900-1954 and covers a variety of topics. The collection also contains deeds, redemption certificates, account books, several unidentified drawings, and a Spanish handbill. One of the segments of the collection pertains to J. Edgar Griggs' (nephew of George) army career. Among the items contained in this segment are rosters of his army unit's return to the United States following World War II. Other items contained in the collection include maps and a notebook. Probably the most informative portion of the collection are the mining reports. There is a report on the Samalayuan mine location as well as one on the Tres Amigos Gold Mining Company. Both reports are written in narrative form rather than in statistical style. Additionally, there are tour guides to six Spanish cities contained in the collections. Additional material relating to the family was added in June 2005. This material includes items relating to family genealogy and photocopies of family correspondence, a scrapbook, as well as an oral history interview with J. Edgar Griggs.

4 linear feet.


SNAC Resource ID: 7783470

New Mexico State University

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George Griggs was born in Mesilla, New Mexico on May 2, 1866. His father, James Edgar Griggs, had come from New Jersey to Fort Filmore, New Mexico. The elder Griggs' ventures in mining and mercantile establishment led him to settle in Mesilla, where he married Eugenia Ascarate, a daughter of Cristobal Ascarate, a member of one of the most prominent Mexican families in the territory. After finishing his formal education at St. Regis College in Denver, Colorado, George Griggs migrated to Mexico. G...